Your voice matters! Please let us know how we can invest and enhance our services and products to serve you better.
Tom Frengillo
Vice President and General Manager
Red Book Solutions, a HotSchedules Company
We learned through your feedback that many franchisees weren’t aware that we can customize a book to meet their specific franchise/operator needs. We are making it a point to broadcast to our clients that Clients with a minimum of 3 locations can customize a Manager’s RedBook to fit your company’s specific content requirements. This is our expertise and a subject matter expert is ready to start the conversation to walk you through this streamlined process to make the book your own. We currently have over 2000 different custom versions of books and the average brand has between 5-10 different custom versions.
You told us that your Requested Days Off, Shift Xchange, Reservation and Large Party books need to arrive earlier. Moving forward if you’re on a recurring order for these Universal products, you will receive these book types a minimum of 2 months in advance.
Future communication on past due invoices will also include the link/links to copies of the past due invoices so you’ll have all the information needed without making additional contacts/calls to us.
You’ll be receiving a survey from us twice each year. This survey takes less than 3-5 minutes to complete. However you don’t have to wait for a survey to provide us your important feedback. Contact at any time how we can serve you better by emailing You can ensure your email is updated by visiting our customer portal at
We also send out periodic surveys regarding specific areas of our business to help gain additional intel into the areas we rank below excellent, in order to improve our service to you. We know you days are hectic and we so appreciate your feedback whether in a survey, email or phone call . We use in part this feedback to design our 2017 projects, plans and goals for client satisfaction.
Tom Frengillo
Vice President and General Manager
Red Book Solutions, a HotSchedules Company